Helping to support election integrity grass roots organizations with data analytics
Analysis and data provisioning
Our team was established as a non-partisan group of patriotic data analysists who were asked to review NC election systems. Some members of our team have been doing election data analytics since 2010. Our team has grown rapidly over the last 3 years. There is a dire need for the analytical information we have provided to many grass roots organizations around North Carolina as well as the national level. All our efforts are devoted to the need to reinstall election integrity for our state and our county.
Most all on the team are proficient in using relational database software such as PostgreSQL which is an open source (read: free) database system that runs on Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems. Several of our analysts also employ Python and Java scripting expertise as well as more traditional spreadsheet analysis using office tools such as Microsoft Office as well as open source Libre Office.
We are looking for a few good men and women to join our team to help restore integrity to our election systems and make our election process as best it can be to ensure those winning elections can be validated and easily audited to ensure confidence in our election system. We need patriots who have expertise in data processing such as previously mentioned.
If you have IT background experience of any kind, and are willing to volunteer your time (even if only a few hours a week) to help save our election system and our country, please click on the Contact NC Data Team page and let us know about yourself and your desire to volunteer your services.
Thank you for your interest in our team!